
Meet the team!
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[Sticky] Meet the team!

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So I think this may be time to get a bit more insight into people. post here a little bit about yourself, what got you into wow/the guild. Screeny of you character or something.

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Hey there!

Dimurson here, your favorite healer priest. A selfie of me during one of my hardcore fishing sessions, plus a list of interesting (?) things about me follow:

  • I'm a relatively new member, only having joined last summer, but the team has embraced me (in a non-sexual way) and I now heal in the raids. (also got a handy shadow offspec!)
  • I've been playing Dimurson, my main, since 2006, with a 6-year break between WotLK and WoD.
  • My first character, Dimur,  Dimurson's father lorewise, was created during BWL launch in Vanilla.
  • I love M+ and conventional PvE, but I enjoy pretty much all aspects of the game, including stuff like RP, AH and pet battles.
  • I love to engage with the game and its players on many levels, that's why I appreciate the existence of this site, and our FB page. I also like to help find new people for the guild.
  • This is the second guild I have ever joined, the first being "Phoenix Guard", a guild at my old server, where i also used to be the leader for a few years.
  • I've led raids for all content during TBC and WotLK, with varying degrees of success. (Used to be top10 in my old server during the ToC progression race.)
  • I am more of a team-player than a competitor, and I don't go crazy about percentiles and logs, as long as progress is smooth. Logs are a useful tool to compare and improve, nothing more, I believe.
  • In my personal life, I am a professional writer, though my writing in WoW is much more undisciplined and casual than it's in my professional life.
  • WoW is the only MMO I've ever played, though I have a long background in online games, including a world-top ranking in Age of Empires multiplayer ladder in the 90ies.


I should probably stop now, as this is growing too big, but trust me, I've got LOTS more to talk about. Add me in game for a chat, or if you want an awesome healer for your M+. Or if you want to swap Vanilla stories, or... you get it.


EDIT: I'm a newb, and couldn't figure out how to feature the image in the post, though the attachment works fine if you click it.

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Posted by: Mascota


Hello i'm Mascota (Leillah) and i like trains....


Come on, you can do better than that! You also like alts, you do dps, you're a funny guy, pretty much the only warlock we have right now etc etc

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Afternoon, I'm Gryaen; I'm a Retribution Paladin, a Dignitary within the Guild who handles recruitment along with the Officers and I enjoy flipping my shit over Loot and Transmog, as I have to look my best to maximise my DPS-- trust me, I have a ThD, a Doctorate of Transmogrification. 

I'm a decent bloke when you get to know me, but I may come off as standoffish and rather self-confident, but I promise it's just a ruse. I really have the confidence of a mouse in a cat shelter. I love D&D and most RPGs and I know the lore and history of Warcraft like the back of my hand.

Any questions? Feel free to ask.

Aerelin, Dimurson, Aerelin and 15 people reacted
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Hi i'm Palootie. Fire mage who does Alchemy. Talk quite a lot, makes lots of spelling mistakes.

Dimurson, Dimurson, Dimurson and 6 people reacted
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Posted by: Deesip




Oh come on, tell us a bit more about yourself! Obviously you love memes (and 69 aaw yeah), but we wanna know you more intimately (in a non-sexual way.)

Sorhalla, Sorhalla, Sorhalla and 6 people reacted
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Ok here goes.

Hi! I'm Sor you may remember me from the welcome to the site posts and other things such as raid night and sith lording M+ dungeons.


I joined the guild during ToT in MoP, at the time I had never raided before ( started in late cata) and the guild had no raid team at all. Then one of the officers decided to start a raid team but before he got going with that he quit the game (for all of a week or two). Seeing this and being really excited to raid I spoke to Balli asking f there would still be a raid team. Well before I knew it I was promoted to officer and hey presto! I was the new raid leader for the guild.

Having never raided before and then becoming raid leader for a team was a bit terrifying and I spent the rest of the xpac raiding fairly casually trying to work out what the hell I was supposed to be doing. It wasn't until WoD that I really got my act together and managed through a few rough patches to get us into mythic come HFC with help from some people that for one reason or another are no longer with the guild. That being said I'm so happy with the group we have now, its really starting to feel like a family almost.

Outside of WoW I am a 3rd year PhD student in Physics. I do DnD, climbing, love me some RPG games and the odd FPS. if you catch me online I'm always up for some M+ or maybe the odd bg (Anyone? No? OK  :'C ).

Oh and Chocobos, its all about them Chocobos.


Aerelin, Dimurson, Aerelin and 15 people reacted
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All right, here I go!

First of all hello, I am Erik, a guy from the Netherlands.

I first started playing World of Warcraft at the age of 12. At the time I bought the game because I thought the Dwarf and the Night Elf on the box cover looked really cool. I had to beg my parents for over a month before they set me up with a subscription program :). Since then I've played a bit of vanilla, but when I hit level 50 TBC was released. I raided quite a lot in TBC and WoTLK, which are still some of my strongest gaming memories. Took a break during MoP and WoD and now I'm back baby. 

In real life I study Game Design, so WoW is actually homework for me!

Next to that I work at a liqour store (see my face in the attached pic), play bass in a band, and try to spend time with my girlfriend.

I'm always up for a good talk about booze or music, or just to mess about or help someone. 

Feel free to ask me anything!

Love and kisses,



Dimurson, Dimurson, Dimurson and 6 people reacted
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Hey all!

I'm Tina. I'm an artist, writer and a bit of a goofball.

I started playing WoW when I first met Dimurson, 10 years ago. I stopped playing for 6 years since I had to focus on Uni and finding work for a while.

Now that life's cool and settled, I'm enjoying some casual gaming again with ya all.

Cheers and cya online!

Aerelin, Dimurson, Aerelin and 15 people reacted
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Yo, Im Kurama, i'm the punching bag of the guild aswell as the only Resto Shaman of the guild. My Main enjoyment is Leveling, Trying out different classes and being able to help the people that need it, Im a little above average resto shaman healer so im more than welcome to give people pointers but never tell someone how to play a class. im very approachable and can take ALOT of criticism  so, ask me anything and feel free to show me something new; I scratch your back, you scratch mine. not too hard though *cough daddy* 


Also im often referred to as "ya boi Karooma" 😉 Peace  Boi

Dimurson, Dimurson, Dimurson and 6 people reacted
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Hello 🙂

Im Freahh, or Catrien, and im from the Netherlands.

Playing MMO's for several years now and  recently fell in love again with World of WarCraft. (I left at start of MoP). My first love:)

Long history of being a complete noob to being a fanatic semi-hardcore raider and now i am happy with "inbetween":).

Have been playing Druid most of the time, and, although i finally do enjoy the Moonkin, im most of all a healer.  I love group content and very much dislike easy-boring-stuff. You wont find me grinding longer then 10 min unless it has a very, very good goal..

Ah, and i get lost. Everywhere. Everytime.

Besides games i enjoy my work a lot wich is teaching kids between 2y-8y. Yep, i kinda play all day 🙂




Dimurson, Dimurson, Dimurson and 6 people reacted