Ok guys help us out with loot. list here the tier pieces you do want.
Note: Dps will be getting prio over tanks and healers.
So for me the tier I'm after is as follows:
Cloak (have 880 normal tyvm)
Chest (have normal)
Based on this: http://www.stormearthandlava.com/elemental-shaman-hub/icefury-build-guide/
I DON'T need legs and cloak. (got the cloak already, which i cant use due to legendary, and I've also got BIS legendary pants)
So, ideally, I could use head, shoulders, chest and gloves for tier bonus, though I ask myself to be given low priority on these, as my bonuses aren't gamebreaking and some of my non-tier gear slots are quite respectable.
For me, it'd be the head piece, shoulders, gloves and pants.
Basing this on the fact drape of shame is bis no matter what for me and that I have the legendary chest piece.
My BiS Tier Pieces are;
The current piece I have is the Gauntlets which I gained from Personal Loot, and is as far away from BiS as possible, but would still aid toward a starter 2-set.
Legs + Helm, dont need 4pc.
Helmet: BiS is Legendary, but I don't have it. Tier head is 2nd. I have it in 875
Pauldrons: Tier is BiS. I don't have it.
Cloak: BiS is Legendary, which I have. Tier is 2nd, and I have that in 890
Gauntlets: BiS is Tier
Breastplate: BiS is Tier, which I have at 875. Chest from Guldan is 2nd
Greaves: BiS is Tier, which I have at 880.
In summary, ideal tier-setup is: Legd head, legd cloak, tier shoulders, hands, legs and chest. For that I'm missing legd head and tier shoulders
The setup without legd head, is legd cloak, tier head, shoulders, hands, legs and Guldan chest. For that I'm missing tier shoulders and Guldan chest
I'm speculating that the odds of me getting legd head is lower than me getting tier shoulders, so summa summarum, BiS needed is tier shoulders and Guldan chest, at the moment, with tier hands, legs, and head is BiS upgrades.
Now Trump is even using balli's account to shitpost
Already got the legplates and chestpiece.
BiS > Shoulders
2nd Best > Anything (Gloves being the only thing that provide a +1% stat upgrade, the other pieces are negligible statwise)
4set would provide me with enough Runic Power to build a pretty badass Breath of Sindragosa build.
The best pieces to go for is
Head > Shoulders > Cloak = Gloves > Legs > Chest but do to the fact that i already got the legendary gloves i will be going for Legs instead.
already have Gloves (teir that is) and cloak from normal . Wont be using gloves though cause massive dps loss.
I've currently got cloak and gloves both from normal, but my ideal would be the Head, Cloak, Chest and Legs.
4-set is a pretty massive spike in damage for me and change in build, all based on this https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d5HO2tYHcjwepnomDJ-7LalQycaIzPuMyiK0V2ioTI0/preview#.
Got the pants * droprate on mine is really high * (normal version ).
so leftovers are in order
Shoulders > Chest > Helmet > Gloves > Cloak
that good enuff?
Rheahs here. Still need to create a second account but that's because double-email stuff.
I need (guardian):
I need:
- Cloak
- Chest
- Legs
Cloak (have normal)