
The BiS Lists - Nig...
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The BiS Lists - Nighthold DPS

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Below are the available DPS BiS Lists for Nighthold, including current Tier Pieces;

Demon Hunter:

Mask of Second Sight - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Beleron's Choker of Misery - Krosus
Mantle of the Torn Sky - Star Auger Etraeus
Cape of Second Sight - Trilliax
Tunic of Second Sight - Krosus
Bracers of Impossible Choices - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Gloves of Synchronus Elements - Spellblade Aluriel
High Shadow Councilor's Wrap - Gul'dan
Legwraps of Second Sight - Gul'dan
Grove-Tender's Moccasins - High Botanist Tel'arn
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Spellblade's Gemmed Signet - Spellblade Aluriel
Unstable Arcanocrystal - Withered J'im
Eye of Command - Viz'aduum the Watcher


Vintage Suramar Nobility Hat - Skorpyron
Radiant String of Scorpid Eyes - Skorpyron
Mantle of the Astral Warden - Tichondrius
Cloak of the Astral Warden - Trilliax
Robe of the Astral Warden - Krosus
Well-Flattened Wristguards - Krosus
Temporarily Displaced Gloves - Chronomatic Anomaly
Girdle of Nefarious Strategy - Tichondrius
Leggings of the Astral Warden - Gul'dan
Grove Tender's Moccasins - High Botanist Tel'arn
Ring of Braided Stems - High Botanist Tel'arn
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Ethereal Urn - Nightbane (Karazhan)
Brinewater Slime in a Bottle - Helya (Trial of Valor)

Hood of the Astral Warden - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Beleron's Choker of Misery - Krosus
Mantle of the Torn Sky - Star Auger Etraeus
Cloak of the Astral Warden - Trilliax
Robe of the Astral Warden - Krosus
Bracers of Impossible Choices - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Gloves of Synchronus Elements - Spellblade Aluriel
High Shadow Councilor's Wrap - Gul'dan
Leggings of the Astral Warden - Gul'dan
Grove-Tender's Moccasins - High Botanist Tel'arn
Spellblade's Gemmed Signet - Spellblade Aluriel
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Nightblooming Frond - High Botanist Tel'arn
Draught of Souls - Gul'dan


Beast Mastery
Eagletalon Cowl - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Beleron's Choker of Misery - Krosus
Netherbranded Shoulderpads - Gul'dan
Eagletalon Cloak - Trilliax
Arcanochitin Hauberk - Skorpyron
Thistle-Proof Thorngrabbers - High Botanist Tel'arn
Eagletalon Gauntlets - Star Augur Etraeus
Emblazoned Duskwatch - Spellblade Aluriel
Eagletalon Legchains - Gul'dan
Sabatons of Burning Steps - Spellblade Aluriel
Spellblade's Gemmed Signet - Spellblade Aluriel
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Bloodthirsty Instinct - Ursoc
Entwined Elemental Foci - Spellblade Aluriel

Eagletalon Cowl - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Beleron's Choker of Misery - Krosus
Netherbranded Shoulderpads - Gul'dan
Eagletalon Cloak - Trilliax
Arcanochitin Hauberk - Skorpyron
Thistle-Proof Thorngrabbers - High Botanist Tel'arn
Eagletalon Gauntlets - Star Augur Etraeus
Emblazoned Duskwatch - Spellblade Aluriel
Eagletalon Legchains - Gul'dan
Sabatons of Burning Steps - Spellblade Aluriel
Spellblade's Gemmed Signet - Spellblade Aluriel
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Convergence of Fates - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Entwined Elemental Foci - Spellblade Aluriel


Nighthold Custodian's Hood - Trilliax
Beleron's Choker of Misery - Krosus
Chaos-Scarred Mantle - Chronomatic Anomaly
Robe of Everburning Knowledge - Krosus
Cloak of Everburning Knowledge - Trilliax
Bracers of Harnessed Flame - Spellblade Aluriel
Gloves of Everburning Knowledge - Star Augur Etraeus
Mana-Cord of Deception - Trash BoE
Leggings of Everburning Knowledge - Gul'dan
Outcast Wanderer's Footrags - Gul'dan
Spellblade's Gemmed Signet - Spellblade Aluriel
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Whispers in the Dark - Gul'dan
Unstable Arcanocrystal - Withered J'im

Nighthold Custodian's Hood - Trilliax
Beleron's Choker of Misery - Krosus
Chaos-Scarred Mantle - Chronomatic Anomaly
Robe of Everburning Knowledge - Krosus
Cloak of Everburning Knowledge - Trilliax
Bracers of Harnessed Flame - Spellblade Aluriel
Gloves of Everburning Knowledge - Star Augur Etraeus
Mana-Cord of Deception - Trash BoE
Leggings of Everburning Knowledge - Gul'dan
Outcast Wanderer's Footrags - Gul'dan
Spellblade's Gemmed Signet - Spellblade Aluriel
Ring of Exclusive Servitude - Tichondrius
Brinewater Slime in a Bottle  - Helya (Trial of Valor)
Unstable Arcanocrystal - Withered J'im


Helmet of the Highlord - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Brooch of the Astral Scryer - Star Augur Etraeus
Pauldrons of the Highlord - Tichondrius
Dreadlord's Tattered Wingcover - Tichondrius
Breastplate of the Highlord - Krosus
Eternally Recurring Bracers - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Bridgebreaker Gauntlets - Krosus
Goresmeared Abyssal Waistplate - Tichondrius
Legplates of the Highlord - Gul'dan
Immaculately Polished Boots - Trilliax
Ring of Braided Stems - High Botanist Tel'arn
Ring of Exclusive Servitude - Tichondrius
Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish - Legendary
Draught of Souls - Gul'dan


Purifier's Gorget - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Radiant String of Scorpid Eyes - Skorpyron
Purifier's Mantle - Tichondrius
Cloak of Temporal Recalibration - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Robes of Fluctuating Energy - Chronomatic Anomaly
Bracers of Harnessed Flame - Spellblade Aluriel
Purifier's Gloves - Star Augur Etraeus
Man'ari Skullbuckled Cinch - Krosus
Purifier's Leggings - Gul'dan
Outcast Wanderer's Footrags - Gul'dan
Whispers in the Dark - Gul'dan
Brinewater Slime in a Bottle - Helya (Trial of Valor)


Doomblade Cowl - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Zealous Timestone Pendant - Chronomatic Anomaly
Mantle of the Torn Sky - Star Augur Etraeus
Doomblade Tunic - Krosus
Doomblade Shadowwrap - Trilliax
Bracers of Impossible Choices - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Gloves of Synchronus Elements - Spellblade Aluriel
High Shadow Councilor's Wrap - Gul'dan
Doomblade Pants - Gul'dan
Grove-Tender's Moccasins - High Botanist Tel'arn
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Spellblade's Gemmed Signet - Spellblade Aluriel
Convergence of Fates - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Arcanogolem Digit - Trilliax

Doomblade Cowl - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Zealous Timestone Pendant - Chronomatic Anomaly
Mantle of the Torn Sky - Star Augur Etraeus
Doomblade Tunic - Krosus
Doomblade Shadowwrap - Trilliax
Bracers of Impossible Choices - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Gloves of Synchronus Elements - Spellblade Aluriel
High Shadow Councilor's Wrap - Gul'dan
Doomblade Pants - Gul'dan
Grove-Tender's Moccasins - High Botanist Tel'arn
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Spellblade's Gemmed Signet - Spellblade Aluriel
Nightblooming Frond - High Botanist Tel'arn
Convergence of Fates - Grand Magistrix Elisande


Architect's Coif of Despair - Krosus
Beleron's Choker of Misery - Krosus
Pauldrons of Warped Memory - Chronomatic Anomaly
Raiment of Shackled Elements - Krosus
Cloak of Shackled Elements - Trilliax
Thistle-Proof Thorngrabbers - High Botanist Tel'arn
Gauntlets of Shackled Elements - Star Augur Etraeus
Belt of Celestial Alignment - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Leggings of Shackled Elements - Gul'dan
Sabatons of Burning Steps - Spellblade Aluriel
Spellblade's Gemmed Signet - Spellblade Aluriel
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Whispers in the Dark - Gul'dan
Erratic Metronome - Chronomatic Anomaly

Helm of Shackled Elements - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Zealous Timestone Pendant - Chronomatic Anomaly
Netherbranded Shoulderpads - Gul'Dan
Raiment of Shackled Elements - Krosus
Cloak of Shackled Elements - Trilliax
Stinger Resistant Bracers - Skorpyron
Sterilizer's Insulated Gauntlets - Trilliax
Emblazoned Duskwatch Belt - Spellblade Aluriel
Leggings of Shackled Elements - Gul'dan
Sabatons of Burning Steps - Spellblade Aluriel
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Ring of Braided Stems - High Botanist Tel'arn
Convergence of Fates - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Bloodthirsty Instinct - Ursoc


Nighthold Custodian's Hood - Trilliax
Beleron's Choker of Misery - Krosus
Pauldrons of Azj'Aqir - Tichondrius
Finery of Azj'Aqir - Krosus
Cloak of Temporal Recalibration - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Bracers of Harnessed Flame - Spellblade Aluriel
Clutch of Azj'Aqir - Star Augur Etraeus
Man'ari Skullbuckled Cinch - Krosus
Leggings of Azj'Aqir - Gul'dan
Perpetually Muddy Sandals - Trilliax
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Spellblade's Gemmed Signet - Spellblade Aluriel
Erratic Metronome - Chronomatic Anomaly
Whispers in the Dark - Gul'dan

Eyes of Azj'Aqir - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Radiant String of Scorpid Eyes - Skorpyron
Pauldrons of Azj'Aqir - Tichondrius
Robes of Fluctuating Energy - Chronomatic Anomaly
Astromancer's Greatcloak - Star Augur Etraeus
Woven Lasher Tendril Bracers - High Botanist Tel'arn
Clutch of Azj'Aqir - Star Augur Etraeus
Man'ari Skullbuckled Cinch - Krosus
Leggings of Azj'Aqir - Gul'dan
Perpetually Muddy Sandals - Trilliax
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Ring of Braided Stems - High Botanist Tel'arn
Erratic Metronome - Chronomatic Anomaly
Whispers in the Dark -Gul'dan

Eyes of Azj'Aqir - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Radiant String of Scorpid Eyes - Skorpyron
Pauldrons of Azj'Aqir - Tichondrius
Robes of Fluctuating Energy - Chronomatic Anomaly
Astromancer's Greatcloak - Star Augur Etraeus
Woven Lasher Tendril Bracers - High Botanist Tel'arn
Clutch of Azj'Aqir - Star Augur Etraeus
Man'ari Skullbuckled Cinch - Krosus
Leggings of Azj'Aqir - Gul'dan
Outcast Wanderer's Footrags - Gul'dan
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Ring of Braided Stems - High Botanist Tel'arn
Erratic Metronome - Chronomatic Anomaly
Whispers in the Dark -Gul'dan


Warhelm of the Obsidian Aspect - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Zealous Timestone Pendant - Chronomatic Anomaly
Shoulderplates of the Obsidian Aspect - Tichondrius
Greatcloak of the Obsidian Aspect - Trilliax
Breastplate of the Remembered King - Gul'dan
Jagged Carapace Wristclamps - Skorpyron
Gauntlets of the Obsidian Aspect - Star Auger Etraeus
Gilded Nightborne Waistplate - Trilliax
Chrono-Tempered Legplates - Chronomatic Anomaly
Sabatons of Unchanging Fate - Star Auger Etraeus
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Spellblade's Gemmed Signet - Spellblade Aluriel
Draught of Souls - Gul'dan
Spontaneous Appendages - Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption


Warhelm of the Obsidian Aspect - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Radiant String of Scorpid Eyes - Skorpyron
Shoulderplates of the Obsidian Aspect - Tichondrius
Greatcloak of the Obsidian Aspect - Trilliax
Breastplate of the Remembered King - Gul'dan
Jagged Carapace Wristclamps - Skorpyron
Gauntlets of Fractured Eons - Star Auger Etraeus
Gilded Nightborne Waistplate - Trilliax
Legplates of the Obsidian Aspect - Gul'dan
Sabatons of Unchanging Fate - Star Auger Etraeus
Ring of the Scoured Clan - Gul'dan
Ring of Braided Stems - High Botanist Tel'arn
Draught of Souls - Gul'dan
Convergence of Fates - Grand Magistrix Elisande

As you may notice, some DPS Specs do not have current BiS Lists, these being;

Unholy Death Knight
Frost Death Knight
Windwalker Monk
Survival Hunter
Frost Mage
Subtlety Rogue

Sorhalla, Dimurson, Sorhalla and 15 people reacted
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Man I wish Blizzard would revert their stealth nerf on Nightblooming Frond so I can retain it as my BiS trinket.

Thanks for the work of putting up this Gryaen!

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Thanks for doing this Gry.

Please bear in mind that this is subject to ledgendaries (RNGeezus be damned!) and warforge/titanforging. use this as a guideline and not a literal. 

Muggins, Muggins, Muggins and 6 people reacted
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My BiS list:

- Storm relic: of Star Augur
- Fire relic: of Elisande (got it- 895)
- Iron relic: of Skorpyron (got it - 885)

1st Legendary hat
2nd Tier hat from Elisande (got that - 875)

1st of Star Augur
Alternative is of Skorpyron (got that - 885)

1st is Tier
Rest is garbage in comparison (got that - 870)

1st is Legendary (got that)
2nd is Tier (got that too, a bit of a waste)

1st is Chest of Guldan, if you have legd cloak + legd hat/or shoulder tier (do not have)
2nd is Tier from Krosus (got that - 875)

1st is of Elisande (got that - 895)
Alternative is from Skorpyron

1st is Tier of Star Augur (got that - 880)

1st is of Tichondrius
The rest of them aren't too bad (got one of those - 890)

1st is Tier of Guldan (got those - 880)

1st is from Star Augur
Rest is rubbish

1st is from Guldan (got it)
2nd is from Botanist

1st is from Guldan
2nd is from Elisande (got it - 875)
Alternative is legendary (got it)
