
The Dungeon of Hero...
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The Dungeon of Heroes (D&D)

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Hey all, Gryaen here and I'm just making this post to let everyone know that Sor, myself and a few others want to start planning a D&D Session. Its just something to do outside of World of Warcraft, where we can chill and have a laugh while trekking forward on our own little adventure. 

If anyone is interested of course, please respond to this post with any ideas you may have regarding the course to take, character creation n'whatnot and let's try and get the ball rolling.

We shall be using the Website Roll20, which is hands down the best site around to play out Online Tabletops-- all you have to do is sign up and make a free account and it's as easy as that.

Hope you're all having a fantastic day, and we look forward to your responses.

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I may be interested, but when we'll be having our sessions? Will it be in off-raid days, before raiding hours, or after?

By the way. I'm a seasoned roleplayer with experience in a ridiculous number of systems and many different universes.

Which world/setting will we be playing in? Something from the traditional D&D list of fantasy worlds, something unusual, or something custom-made? (We could even run a D&D campaign in the universe of Warcraft, by the way.)


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The idea of a campaign based in the Warcraft universe sounds extremely promising, whilst maintaining the stats and rules of D&D's 5th Edition. We could either use the characters we main and develop stories around them (I already have a short novel's worth of Gryaen), or make completely new ones; it'd be up to you personally.

Dimurson, Dimurson, Dimurson and 6 people reacted
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This is all well and good but we will still need someone to DM it. (not it) I suggested it in the FB chat as by using roll 20 its flexible with how many people are there at a time. if someone can't make it it's not the end of the world etc.
